Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Ostrich Policy

Elections are over in both the US and Israel. Does our responsibility as voters end now? We have listened to the promises, we have heard the policies and have been told that “change” is at our doorstep, what now? Elected officials are usually held accountable for their actions, sooner or later if we are lucky, but what about those who put them in office?
The recent US elections seemed to be more personal than past elections. During a recent trip to the US, I found that many Jews seemed very defensive about their decision to vote for President Obama. Before any opinions were voiced either way, the entire topic regarding the US elections seemed to be held in some taboo area, with the executive staff being put on a guarded pedestal, not to be questioned or critiqued. I observed as both sides, supporters and opponents, of the new President squared off regarding the results and the possible effects of the changed behavior on Israel, often seeing the supporters of President Obama disconnecting from Israel and disregarding and ignoring the new developing reality in the new administration. I watched as people actually walked away from hearing criticism of the new President’s choices for various offices. It seemed as though any discussion regarding Israel and the new administration was like putting salt on a wound. Most seem to think that if the “Israel question” is ignored it will go away, sort of like an Ostrich putting his head in the sand when threatened. These are not the actions of a responsible citizen or voter.
Whether people feel they made a mistake regarding their choices is irrelevant at this point, they are not excused from their responsibilities of being loyal citizens, no matter who they chose. If their champion is not living up to their expectations, they are not permitted to hide their heads in the sand while mistakes that will cost numerous lives are made, they too are responsible, and they must at least make an effort to right the wrongs. This means being involved, raising your voice, demonstrating and doing something, no one is excused.
It seems that the onslaught on Israel has reached levels never seen in US history. With each new member of the present US administration, new arguments are brought against the only stable democracy and constant US ally in the Middle East, Israel. There is a saying the “enemy of my enemy is my friend”, what is “the enemy of my friend is my friend”?
I understand the US interest in making nice with Arab nations, I find the tactics used to be shallow, but that is just an opinion that countless millions and I share. Most countries become allies because of common values and interests. Friendships are formed when we share common ground. In fact if we look, most US allies have all shared the concept of freedom of religion, democracy, women’s rights and so on. Where is that common ground with the US’s new friends? It seems that the only common denominator between present US policy and Islamic rulers in the Middle East is that of carving up Israel. I guess we should be glad they have what to talk about at Camp David over a plate of Humus.
As the increase of anti-Israel voices gather on the hill, I wonder where are the Jews that voted for this administration? What are they afraid of? Are they not aware of the dangers to the US of the direction being taken?
Yes, peace is made with enemies, but not at the expense of life. 71% or more of US Jews chose Barak Obama as their champion, they should help him make the right choices. Show him the importance of Israel as a secure and strong nation and it’s value to the United States. If you don’t know how important Israel is, look into it, you will find that you will be proud of who you are and not ashamed. Bring back the value of friendship and loyalty. Show him your value, and don’t allow the US Government fall victim to Sharia value. It’s not too late to make a change and have an effect, stand up before you can’t, and do something. There has been enough rhetoric, it is time to act and act strong. Responsibility didn’t end with the last elections, both in the US and Israel. If you need a hand, come over for a visit and we will remind you who you are and what you can do.

Sometimes the want for change can be so strong that it may blind us to other dangers, the more time that heads are kept in the sand, the more likely that someone is going to suffer.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Marc, and oh so true! Praying for you and your family...I hope you don't mind.

    Am Yisrael Chai...
