The pictures of the attack in Itamar bring back the nightmares of the last round of violence during the uprising that started in the year 2000. Even then, people refused to realize the horror and intensity of the attacks. Many of these attacks were not even shown to the world, let alone our people.
Our Arab foes do not have courage, do not have honor, they never did, and who knows if they ever will. I am not being derogatory, simply factual. Arab terror prefers the weak, the unarmed as targets, and as shields. Do they not use schools and hospitals as staging grounds for attacks?
The rebellions in the Arab nations and their history prove these points, their own treatment of their own populations show us that, INCLUDING how they treat their brethren in Judea and Samaria.
This is what many of them are rebelling about!
What a fitting end to Israel Apartheid Week, by showing the world who gets hailed as a hero in the Arab world, just as these heinous celebrations in Gaza, Ramallah, Nablus and other places prove. Their leaders hesitate to condemn this attack or do so while explaining how it is “understandable” and these same Arab leaders are the same people our own weak minded, misdirected, deceived youth in college campuses flock to. These are the new heroes of so-called “Liberal thinkers”, these are the people who get invited to so many Jewish events, and these are the speakers at J STREET and other and ignorant and self hating organizations.
My own personal frustration regarding this particular attack comes from my own experience in the Security world. I watch the outpouring of hearts from around the world to bond with the remaining members of this dear family. The majority of the Jewish world is crying, and giant efforts are being made to assist the family in any need they may have.
Why do we only wake up when we are victims, why will we only see major efforts being made then?
Of course we come across those who say, Jews shouldn’t be there, then this would not have happened… really? Has terror against Israel only started in 1967? Has it only been limited to Judea and Samaria? All of this is ONLY because we are in our historic homeland? How ignorant can someone be?
I know, VERY ignorant.
I am frustrated and angry because I have worked years at trying to convince our own that we must protect our people, we must defend and fight against our enemies, just like anyone else in this world!
The concept of Jews defending themselves and standing up to their enemies is still relatively foreign to many outside of Israel, even to a few inside of Israel.
Defense and Strength are multi dimensional, and each side must be addressed and dealt with. Standing up to Politicians, Hate groups, wrongful legislatures are only a few of the dimensions. Building, populating, LIVING are more, and my realm; Security is another.
I am frustrated that we act only “after” and not “before”. Why do most people not realize that the point is to PREVENT and STOP terror attacks against us?
We have proven to the world that we excel at being victims, our Arab neighbors have even jumped on the bandwagon, they figure it worked for the Jews, “why not us?” Except in this case they have duped an entire generation and world from seeing just who is really victimizing whom, these Arab leaders have hidden themselves from the world and their own people’s eyes. They have portrayed the Jews and Israel as enemies (for years and generations) to veer attention away from their own despicable acts against their own and humanity.
As parents we try to safeguard our children, we do whatever necessary and then some. We take precautions regarding our property and watching over those dear to us. We try to prevent problems from occurring, we are considered wise and “sharp” if we have the insight to foresee possible problems and act in a pro-active manner.
Shouldn’t it be the same in how we act towards our people in Israel?
I know standing up and defending yourself and people is not for everyone, I know fighting back against terror doesn’t speak to most. Many people feel easier comforting victims or the hurt. Many even prefer this.
I would like to prevent more of our people from becoming victims… I would like to stop the hurt. I would like to fund projects that may prevent attacks from occurring and watch children grow, marry, and become parents. I know, many of you are saying, “he’s a dreamer.”
No I am not a dreamer, I “hang” with a bunch of people (and majority of a country) who feel and act the same way, I also know that many of you reading this feel the same way.
We can make this happen. Lets make this happen!
Chesed (Kindness) has always been known as a Jewish characteristic,
Gevorah (strength) is also.
No More Jewish Victims!